Wonder if Samsung or google had the first multi touch phone - would they willingly let others copy it without proper royalties?
These protocols are today the de facto standard for 32-bit embedded processors because they are well documented and can be used without royalties.
Foreign technology is often copied illegally in India, without royalties paid to the inventors.
When the song became a hit, Parish was therefore left without royalties.
Over 35,000 copies were distributed free of charge to synagogues, educational institutions, and individuals, with permission to show the film without royalties.
Without royalties there will be no more music period.
The model is available for all to use without royalties or license fees and has been adopted by commercial, nonprofit, and public sector organizations.
The exclusive use of the diasec patent has expired and the process can now be freely used without royalties.
Warez refers primarily to copyrighted works distributed without fees or royalties, and may be traded, in general violation of copyright law.
Without protection, and royalties, fewer companies would take the risks.