This sector of the planet had survived the unexpected attack of the monsters without impairment.
At the time, he indicated that he could continue to serve without significant impairment as Bishop of Camden.
Cynthia's powers of coloration had evidently regenerated without impairment.
The warp must be able to slide through the heddle without impairment.
Most of these children are undiagnosed and have mild symptoms without distress or impairment.
Conditions there were recorded as a "clear, crisp, pre-dawn darkness, without fog, haze, or other local environmental impairment to visibility."
We find no room for doubt that they may do the like with Congress if the essence of their statehood is maintained without impairment.
There were none that could be classified as having normal physical function without impairment.
The good news, widely reported in the media, is that utilization review does save money without apparent impairment of quality.
If it should happen again, he wanted at least one of them able to function without impairment.