While I use and share them in a digital format, it's nice to be able to easily print out photos without additional hardware.
Later models of the TurboGrafx-16 provided built-in support for better audio/video capabilities without additional hardware.
The Wii did very well, but again without enough hardware on shelves it's impossible to say how well it could have done.
I was happy to once again have my back to the wall, but I felt naked without hardware.
You're right; without hardware to run our programs, we're just daydreamers.
However, the reviewer complained that the game was all but unplayable without expensive hardware, particularly a 3D card.
Even cheap "dumb" phones without touch screens or powerful hardware can surf the Web.
On personal computers, users can change their games without special hardware.
Well, he wasn't about to walk around without hardware.
I can't wait to find out how Mike's people do it without hardware.