But the musical will not be able to continue without new financing.
Without American financing, which accounts for 22 percent of the group's $60 million annual budget, the agency would most likely be forced to close.
Without such financing, American companies will lose many coming competitions.
And without added financing, the company says it has only enough cash to operate into the first quarter of next year.
Only 16 months ago Congress promised not to pass laws that shift costs to states without financing.
And, he added, "without financing, those companies have a hard time growing to a point where they will ever qualify for bank loans."
Without full financing, 1.5 million children will be cut from the program or underserved.
We know that global climate protection is not possible without financing.
He said his organization could not do the job without financing and support from the government.
No privately owned building can be expected to run long without financing, or debt.