Years later, Shaw tried again and, in 1892, completed the play without collaboration.
The Bush administration cannot combat terrorism without the cooperation and collaboration of the rest of the world.
He designed without collaboration other country houses of less importance.
Communal apartments were common on the left, and peaceful political activists could easily have shared living quarters with terrorists, without further collaboration.
Industry experts said it was possible to disturb the radio signal, but probably not possible to alter the result of a vote without inside collaboration.
Democrats argue - and many Republicans agree - that without such collaboration, Republicans would probably have lost control of the Senate years ago.
Modern development of the Academy is impossible without active collaboration with home and foreign higher educational institutions.
Yet there can be no satisfactory progress without close collaboration, in particular, amongst the global players.
Does the Court of Auditors think they can perform their task of inspection without such collaboration?
Quality could not be maintained in other professions without intensive mentoring, supervision and collaboration.