The withdrawals followed aggressive bets made by several funds, including Magellan, that were contrary to their stated objectives.
The changes and the withdrawal both followed legal threats from none other than David Irving.
On the contrary, any withdrawal would follow the Gaza-Jericho precedent and be accompanied by strict security provisions including demilitarization.
The withdrawal followed a highly conditional peace offer by President Saddam Hussein of Iraq.
Candidate announcement and, if applicable, withdrawal dates are as follows.
The withdrawal followed a campaign by scientists who criticised the articles' factual accuracy and the process behind their acceptance.
Their withdrawal from the bidding process follows that of a group led by Texas Pacific, another leveraged buyout firm.
The withdrawals follow a recent bout of relatively mediocre performance.
If they have not, withdrawal of the licence must follow without mercy.
The withdrawal of the remaining passenger services, between Wymondham and Dereham, followed in October 1969.