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On 17 July 2009, withdrew certain Amazon Kindle titles, including Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, from sale, refunded buyers, and remotely deleted items from purchasers' devices after discovering that the publisher lacked rights to publish the titles in question.
Clients wishing to store anything from stock certificates to valuable paintings could deposit their belongings anonymously, through a series of high-tech veils of privacy, withdrawing items at any time, also in total anonymity.
The guild master may change the permissions for guild members, allowing members to withdraw items or money from the guild bank, rank-up or de-rank other members, and be paid daily.
This experiment was used by library officials to identify their institution's brittle books, and, in some case, to justify withdrawing items from the shelves or replacing them with another format (most often microfilm).
He also points to the continuing influence of animal rights groups, evident in the recent decision by J. Crew to withdraw fur-trimmed items from its clothing line.
The prosecutors were prudent to withdraw numerous items of evidence without submitting them to the judge, like the testimony of a fringe character that Mr. Simpson had threatened to decapitate anyone he saw riding in his former wife's car.
THE NAME IS BOND - The Financial Times reported that Aston Martin, maker of 007's new car, withdrew items like handcuff belts and "perforated leather boxing shorts" from a catalog of lifestyle products after executives at Ford, the parent company, complained.
The executive chef, Robert Fathman, aims to foster the clubby atmosphere by establishing a number of year-round house specials, withdrawing items only when worthy ingredients are not available.
Then again, on second thoughts and in fairness, it is helpful for researchers to have access the dead paper's full, unexpurgated content and it would be wrong for the publisher to withdraw items it might regard as embarrassing.