Yet, within a month, I was not only doing all that fairly routinely, but holding conversations with fellow trainees and copilots at the same time.
Mrs. Birk oversees an office with 36 brokers and trainees, only one woman among them.
Sergeant Beachhas also been removed from contact with trainees, the Army said.
You will find you develop strong friendships with fellow trainees.
Even so, death rounds remained popular with staff and trainees.
I'm wondering whether we ought to do that with trainees anyway.
Always so damned superior, as if she didn't really belong with mere dangergeld trainees.
Part three is the story of her training at a film studio, in competition with other young trainees.
Prince Williams rig was designed according to traditional rules and is occasionally modified slightly with trainees in mind.
Contact with other trainees is not permitted during this phase.