They were also able to charge some 30 men with various offences.
What are we to make of a government which came up with 3,600 new criminal offences in 10 years?
We started out on a pilot project here in late 1984, with very minor offences.
When dealing with more offences, this rises to 12 months.
Between 1976 and 1979, 3,000 people were charged with "terrorist offences".
The following day, she was charged with several offences and placed under house arrest on March 28.
However, police failed to find evidence linking the other two to the crime, and they were charged with less serious offences.
They said there was "very little trouble" to be had at the festival, with only minor offences reported.
One male was arrested at that time and has been charged with eight criminal offences so far.
He says success is judged on the number of people we manage to charge with criminal offences.