The station first broadcast during May 1992, with 24-hour output starting in 1995.
The peak year was 1913, with an output of 292 million tons.
The gain is half that of the stage with differential output.
The plant was scheduled to start production in 2001, with annual output of 150,000 cars.
Anyone familiar with the artist's output will have encountered much of this or similar material before.
Lead mining increased, with output almost doubling between 1300 and 1500.
If we aren't happy with the industry's output, there should not be an award.
By 1975 the third power unit with an output of more than 1.6 million kilowatts was built.
Texas, with daily output of 1.7 million barrels, is now the No. 2 producer.
The economy also fell into a deep recession, with industrial output falling 30 percent.