I thought computer science was up there with maths as massively male dominated.
But not even the thought of Miss Roberts being fierce with maths could make the twins feel unhappy that first night!
Builders really need to be more familiar with advanced and very specialized maths and physics than the back of their hands.
The production of tapes for parents on subjects such as helping children at home with reading, maths and science are well worth considering.
When you can draw the take home salary of someone on 90k just by having kids, why bother with maths and english?
Since some people have problems with maths.
This was a huge book with maths that was so difficult that only a few people in the world would have understood it all.
All students are tested from year two upwards, with maths, English and non-verbal reasoning tests to the fore.
Thus, it was better for exploring programming or working with maths.
Pupils would need to continue with maths, physics, chemistry and biology in sixth forms to keep all science options open to 18+.