Despite the company's $24m third quarter loss, Bakalov said the company's core business remains with mainframes.
These larger jobs might be computer tasks that have not previously been possible with mainframes.
Programmers familiar with ancient mainframes know how to solve Y2K problems, and can charge $100 an hour to do so.
The goal of the contest is to provide students with the opportunity to experience working with mainframes.
In particular, the term is used in connection with mainframes or enterprise computing.
For the first 15 years, the personal computer had no direct competition with mainframes--they simply did different things.
This approach, data compression, long used with mainframes, is now making its way to personal computers.
Beige lockers filled with state-of-the-art mainframes and servers line the walls.
Nevertheless, many analysts think that machines using microprocessors have already caught up with mainframes in performance and will soon surpass them.
Aldrich's systems were based on minicomputers that could communicate with multiple mainframes.