And is the earth inlaid with bins Of bobby, straight and safety pins?
But why clutter the city with bins for stuff that's less than worthless?
In the home more households will be issued with separate bins and expected to sort waste for recycling or face possible fines.
The narrow inner courtyard was cluttered with garbage, bins and barrels.
Or, more simply, tricycles with bins on the front that hold a cubic yard of trash.
I walked along the shelves, stacked with bins of spare parts for the fabrication machinery, and the labs.
One of them opened onto a storage closet, with shelves and bins.
They were in some sort of storage area; the corridor was lined with fitted bins on both sides.
A table with bins, and a bed on casters for sleepovers.
It was built with "cribbed" construction, which has to do with interlocking bins.