A wistful quality colored his voice, a thread of sadness that she might have missed if she were not so aware of this man.
A wistful quality in that last remark made Killashandra change her reply.
Aleksei Kovalev doesn't quite speak in the past tense, but there's a wistful quality in his voice when he talks about his career with the Rangers.
Her face was in shadow, but he fancied there was an almost wistful quality to her expression.
Her soft London accent gave her voice an especially wistful quality.
She was unpretentious, shy and devout, and possessed a crystal-clear soprano voice projected with a wistful quality and earnestness that audiences found touching.
Lori Wilner's wistful quality and Ms. Key's monologue are also noteworthy.
But its wistful quality is bottomless.
Then he nodded thoughtfully, and his voice once again had a faintly wistful quality when he spoke.
Even the ruminative middle movement shows a wistful rather than lachrymose quality.