When her humanity bubbles up, she turns into a lost little girl consumed with self-hatred, rage and distant wistful memories of a better life.
The rest should not be described here, except to say that a climactic sailing sequence may bring on wistful memories of "Waterworld."
Nothing brings back wistful memories of youth quite like screaming "Leonard Bernstein!"
THOSE days - "the high point of the column" - are a wistful memory now.
The sight of his old friend brought unbidden wistful memories that spanned many decades.
His eyes seeming to focus for a moment on some wistful memory, the Valzhan said, "Do not mistake me.
The album chronicles "wistful memories, tales of breaking up, and frantic searches for answers."
Ms. Breen has wistful memories of Manhattan's inexpensive ethnic restaurants.
It brought back wistful memories of his parents.