They said she was foolish, for women could never wisely hold such.
Bladen'Kerst considered the message and the implications and wisely held her information.
Nobody else knew that, except maybe her old bodyguards, who had all retired long since, and wisely held their tongues.
And he won't like that, thought Jenny, and wisely held her tongue.
His look is dark but he wisely holds his tongue.
He looked to his wife for explanation and wisely held his tongue.
Unwilling vessel, Vander corrected, but he wisely held the thought to himself.
Blade knew her tale would end in tragedy, so he wisely held his counsel.
It is in view of this situation that I am today asking you again to uphold the vote which Parliament wisely held last year.
Not knowing what reply to make to this singular assertion, I wisely held my tongue.