Under the leadership of this wise and powerful monarch there arose a cultural enrichment still known as the Carolingian Renaissance.
The Queen, our very wise monarch, gave a short, dignified speech that had much substance, acknowledging Australia's difficult year of natural disasters.
Both had as an objective "to make a human, honest, constitutional, pacifist, tolerant, wise and just monarch.
But he was, in general, a wise and great monarch, under whom the country much improved.
To those under its protection, the orium dragon treat them as a monarch, wise but harsh.
He struck down the wisest and gentlest monarch in all Eosia!
Alessandar is a wise monarch, and will surely be more than willing to make preliminary agreements on the strength of a betrothal promised for the future.
Sometimes attempts were made to select a wise monarch, rather man leave it up to God, as when the Swedes picked a Frenchman, General Bernadotte, to rule them.
Had he been born the eldest son, Dagnarus might this moment be slumbering peacefully in death, honored and revered as a good and wise monarch.
Make him a wise and gentle monarch.