The rhododendron and azalea population has been set back quite a bit, unless wise gardeners have remembered to provide them with adequate water.
In the hands of a wise gardener, the results can always be spectacular, but the only way to become expert is to learn by doing.
One way or another, you place your order, but the wise gardener does not just sit and wait for it to come.
Instead of rock salt, wise gardeners use fertilizer, sand or cat-box filler on icy steps and walks.
A. Since water is no longer a cheap and unlimited resource, it's the wise gardener who looks for plants that manage with reduced rations.
Then, an you be wise, you shall know that a wise gardener wisely put them there.
Although the hose may be stored away in the garage for the winter months, wise gardeners will get it out and use it lavishly a few more times before truly cold weather settles in.
And wise gardeners know that any squash is tender - that is, subject to cold weather.
Once upon a time," began Mr. Bhaer, in the dear old-fashioned way, "there was a great and wise gardener who had the largest garden ever seen.