Various wise elders and wisecracking children wander in and out of the place.
Perhaps Carter and the Georgians on his White House staff would give more respect and attention to these wise elders.
But for Addison it's also a possibility, and the current crop of celebrities are like the wise elders of the tribe.
Blumenstein's healing abilities were recognised by the wise elders (grandmothers) of her tribe from an early age.
Many grandfathers and other older men wear a kufi every day to symbolize their status as wise elders, religious people, or family patriarchs.
Although originating with ancient startsy (wise Russian elders, sg.
The younger, less experienced men let their panic show; their elders, wise in the ways of the sea, carried out their tasks with grave efficiency.
He stressed that the speakers would now have to present themselves as wise elders, even if their wisdom mainly concerned matters of youth culture.
So the wise elders of Atlantis decided that they'd have to do something about it.
"Hear me, you wise elders of this nation's justice!"