He was destined to succeed his mother, becoming the oldest and wisest creature in the universe.
Unicorns were commonly known to be exceptionally wise creatures, on the whole.
I remember it from childhood and that was back in the days when I thought adults were these wise creatures.
These aren't the gentle wise creatures of her feverish recollections.
The wise creature did not, however, follow the long track, but led pretty straight across the spiral for the hut.
Of all die woodlanders she was the oldest and wisest creature within the walls.
She knew, wise creature, that this was no place to sleep, that they must be up and about, away on their quest.
"A wise creature once told me that it was important to make choices," the voice continued.
What could there possibly be about her to surprise the wisest creature of Xanth?
"You have always been the wisest creature I've known."