He turned to see a wiry, long-haired boy of about twelve, and a huge gray dog, sitting together on the grass along the bank.
He was a good little boy, wiry and strong, and worked himself to a standstill.
Tom went first, a small, wiry boy of twelve, his red hair gleaming in the sun.
Reliable was a skinny, wiry boy, strong but not heavy.
Even stunned and dirty, the wiry boy looked healthy enough, though maybe a little young to take with the other slaves.
He was a slim, wiry boy, taller than Goro but not nearly so rugged.
A wiry boy a little bigger than Olver went past doing hand-springs wherever the crowd gave him a pace of room, practicing or maybe playing.
He was no longer the lean, wiry boy she remembered.
Corey Walcott, a wiry boy of 12, said movies and television had taught him that only whites seem to have the nice things in life.
A majority of major league teams still rely on wiry teen-age boys to field foul balls.