The connection between Lo Piccolo and the Inzerillo family surfaced in a wiretap recording of Antonio Rotolo before his arrest in June 2006.
Details of wiretap recordings and trading activity related to the charges were analyzed at length in the media, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the prosecution's and defense's cases.
He said he got it off a wiretap recording.
The Senate of the Philippines agreed to revive the investigation on the "Hello, Garci" wiretap recordings after Doble revealed his readiness to testify.
Uncut wiretap recordings of Hausner and Dieteman discussing shootings (Graphic)
Her former chief of staff, Sam Riddle, faces prosecution as well; Riddle's trial has included wiretap recordings of conversations with and about Conyers, in which he describes her as "crazy."
But what makes this investigation different from previous ones is the existence of thousands of hours of wiretap recordings of Mr. Edwards, who has always taken precautions to avoid that hazard.
Mr. Hou said wiretap recordings in March 2004 register Mr. Farhane as saying: "This is not a country where we should stay.
When asked by Judge Kugler if there were wiretap recordings, Mr. Fitzpatrick said that he was "not at liberty to answer."
But he was not careful enough: The couple had already gone to the authorities, and his warning, on Friday, was captured on a wiretap recording, said Robert Emmons, an assistant District Attorney.