The following winter saw minor skirmishes and increased tensions with the French.
The winter of 2000/2001 saw the ground and pavilion under several feet of water for six months.
That winter also saw a significant change of command.
Two of the next six monitored winters also saw multiple stones move.
Recent winters of 2008/9 and 2009/10 saw large snow amounts falling.
The roofing had been taken down within days of the attack and the winter had seen to the rest.
The winter of 1957-58 saw a brief interlude in Atlanta, where he sold advertising.
This winter will see starvation and ruin right across the land.
That winter saw bad weather and he only flew 3 operations in the whole of January.
The winter of 2007-2008 saw an increase in glacier mass, which was expected to move the glacier front forward around 2010.