Most of the Rangers, the area's regular winter residents, have never seen Playland this way.
In both cities, the species had previously been a winter resident only, but now remains year-round and breeds there.
The population figures do not include the many part-time winter residents from other places.
More than a third of its 2,300 winter residents are over 60, twice the average nationally and in the metropolitan area.
Dress warmly for a walk around the Meer to view the park's winter residents.
There are numerous outdoor activities for winter residents and tourists.
Every so often one of the winter residents would knock his wife's teeth out.
Also it became a major real estate destination in the 1980s and 1990s no longer limited to senior citizens, winter residents and retirees.
The faces may have changed, but the winter residents here still like parties.
And though most of the birds have gone, winter residents are hanging around to keep up their happy chatter.