Blowing from land to sea, the winter monsoon brings several months of dry, clear, relatively cold weather.
The strong winter monsoon from the north was a meteorological condition unique to Edo.
During the winter monsoon season, it was impossible for sailing craft to make it to Barbaricum.
But the winds to India are damned unpredictable this time of year, with the winter monsoon barely over.
We were always wet and chilled to the bone, wondering if I Corps' winter monsoon would ever end.
It would be hot in the summer and cold in the winter monsoon.
But with the winter monsoon yet to set in, it was a harrowing journey.
During the winter monsoon, however, currents in the north are reversed.
They were assisted in their emplacement efforts by the continuing bad weather of the winter monsoon.
During the winter monsoon at least 4500 of these landings were normally ground-controlled approaches.