Unlike many winter greens that have tough leaves requiring long braising, escarole needs little or no cooking.
I like anchovies in vinaigrettes made for tough winter greens like frisée.
On top of the hob, the winter greens bubbled deliciously.
A 10cm (4in) mesh may be adequate to keep pigeons off winter greens, but isn't practical for a fruit cage.
The winter greens were especially nice.
Other winter greens are not nearly as irascible or cranky, though their reputations are tarnished just the same.
Common vegetables described as winter greens are chard, collards, rapini, and kale.
These were followed by a salad of winter greens with a hazelnut dressing and goat cheese from Massachusetts.
Howard's own contribution to the latter particularly concerned kitchen gardens and winter greens.
When the root vegetables are done, add them to pot holding winter greens, and cook another minute.