As for us, we had an agenda other than simply shaking off the winter doldrums with a night of kitchen gymnastics.
If you don't have a hamamelis, or witch hazel, in your garden, plant one to three for the winter doldrums.
Opening day would be the biggest day; everybody was ready to get out of the winter doldrums.
"I make a huge trout dinner for all my friends, and we celebrate the renewal - the official end of the winter doldrums."
Mr. Zimmerman has found some pleasing solutions to the winter doldrums.
People with low self-esteem and chronic psychological problems are more prone to come down with a good case of winter doldrums.
Memorable song, masterful vocal and a great way to wipe away the winter doldrums.
"You get out of the winter doldrums," he said.
"Plan something you can look forward to instead of just trying to survive the winter doldrums," Baron says.