Sunglasses covered his eyes, and he wore a cheap black knit winter cap.
Zorba pulled his thick winter cap over his head.
There were four or five knitted winter caps, all moth-eaten and unraveling.
On the streets surrounding the schools that reopened yesterday, only the winter caps and the heads of children were visible, bobbing along behind the snow banks.
When it is less than 32 degrees out, a winter cap, lined with imitation fur, can also be worn.
Behind them stood two dozen family members and friends, stone-faced in heavy coats and winter caps, arms folded, eyes straight ahead.
"I'll get the word out, Admiral," Wells replied, putting on his winter cap.
Alucius's face was numb from the wind, and even under his winter cap, his ears were chill.
An ayam is a Korean traditional winter cap mostly worn by women in the Joseon period (1392 - 1910) for protection against the cold.
Alberg couldn't see Jack clearly, but well enough to recognize that he was wearing a bright yellow winter cap.