"And I saw a pair of wingtip shoes walk into the crowd."
The man with the wingtip shoes said that the captive should have been killed at night - it was morning by then - so they released him.
The cameras focused on foreign wingtip shoes.
He was most famous for two things: racing for his own team and racing while wearing wingtip shoes to absorb the heat in the car.
The black wingtip shoes were badly scuffed and caked with mud.
"I put on my high collar, my cuff links, my wingtip shoes," he said.
Or did they check at 13 shops before buying their usual wingtip shoes?
His black wingtip shoes shone like mirrors.
He was dressed down, except for his feet: paint-splashed beige pajamas coupled with wingtip shoes.
Nattily dressed in a charcoal double-breasted suit and brown wingtip shoes, he explained that looking the part of a detective is half his job.