One is as a winged animal resting on water, to symbolise dominance over the seas, holding St. Mark's Gospel under a front paw.
This provides a very versatile firearm capable of taking winged animals as well as big game.
If pigs have wings, some winged animals are good to eat.
Some winged animals are good to eat, so pigs have wings.
A person reading a dictionary, for example, can understand the definition of "bird" as a winged animal that can usually fly.
Flocks of winged animals arrowed along flyways in all directions.
"Dragon," she said, "being the little winged animal made of thread."
Not a single winged animal could fit through the narrow slots of the secondary air intake of the two Tumanskii turbofans.
Instead, Nafai saw him as a winged animal, with a face at once more fierce and more intelligent than a baboon's.
There were other things, too, among which was a huge statue of a winged, four-legged animal resembling a gryphon, except that the head looked rather feline.