An ex-major with strong right wing view of the world.
Ed, as I say to people on these threads, do not be afraid to stand tall and speak up with honorable, intelligent left wing views.
Eger is a left wing views on politics.
A bunch of middle class students with slightly deluded left wing views 'occupying' Wall St?
McLay, an urban liberal with right wing views on economics, however, failed to restore the party's fortunes.
Extremely ambitious, Imrédy was known to hold right wing views on matters of domestic and social policy.
Richards was blacklisted in Hollywood because of his left wing views.
My niece, Alison, who has left wing views, would call them smug and pompous.
Politically, while Pitts had held left wing views in his youth, he shifted to more conservative opinions.
During this time he developed strong left wing views, although he was never a Communist as later alleged.