A moment later, Mimi joined him, sitting down next to him, her wings unfolded across the sofa back.
The dragon's great golden wings unfolded, as if he were about to launch himself in flight.
He was too far away to see wings unfold, but he knew what was happening.
She could still see nothing, but it was as if great wings unfolded, stretching to touch the horizon on either side.
Here a great wing unfolded against the stars almost as slowly as the stars behind it moved.
The wings have unfolded as far as they can go.
The stom's great black wing unfolded gently like a collapsing tent.
And suddenly from his body two massive black wings unfolded.
From within the carapace of skin, two enormous black wings unfolded like opening umbrellas.
The wings unfolded, and we settled over downtown Topeka.