A damp, leathery wing emerged from the broken bulge on its back, quivered once and was still.
I pull the slippers on, the wings quiver excitedly and thresh against my fingers.
"I thought you loved me," she said, her voice and wings quivering.
The frail and beautiful wings quivered faintly, as if his breath had for an instant called back to life that gorgeous object of his dreams.
The nose of the hound wobbled sensitively, the bird's wings quivered, the eyes of the little dancer swiveled to follow me as I passed.
Willow bowed, and her wings quivered.
She trembled, every muscle tense, her wings quivering at her sides.
His wings quivering, he was enjoying the favors of a giggling, minor deity of the goddess Mimrim.
Its wings quivered, and it strained upward, turning in its last moments toward its mountains.
I thought at first it was the breeze that stirred it, and then I saw its wings were quivering.