Doing so, the forward wing lift reduces the downward force the horizontal stabilizer needs to produce - reducing the amount of lift the main wing must produce.
Turning can be described as 'climbing around a circle' (wing lift is diverted to turning the aircraft) so the increase in wing angle of attack creates even more drag.
A crash of flak made the wing lift.
We may analyse the longitudinal static stability by considering the aircraft in equilibrium under wing lift, tail force, and weight.
For a symmetrical airfoil at low angle of attack, the wing lift is proportional to the angle of attack:
Due to the air launch and wing lift, the first-stage flight algorithm is custom-designed.
Experimentally Segnbora raised an arm, and was dumbfounded to see the serrated shape of a Dragon's wing lift away from the shadow-body.
With a rolling vertical landing the aircraft uses downward jet thrust to hover while it is still moving fast enough to also generate wing lift.
The wing lift achieves two essentials effects:
Although it is true that the air moving over the top of a wing generating lift does move faster, there is no requirement for equal transit time.