The cost of wine-tasting dinners is soaring.
His speech in 1983 followed a wine-tasting dinner with his friend of many years standing, Christopher Selmes.
On the Friday night of Labor Day weekend, the restaurant was surprisingly full, with a wine-tasting dinner under way in a private room.
Your wine-tasting dinner takes place in a stunning wine ta.
He also works with the chefs to create special prix fixe wine-tasting dinners.
Barney's has added a series of wine tasting classes on Wednesday nights to their wine-tasting dinners.
During the spring and fall, a six-course wine-tasting dinner, with each course accompanied by a wine, is $175 a person.
Conrad's, like many other restaurants on the Island, stages elaborate multicourse wine-tasting dinners.
As one of the top chefs in the state, he has been doing wine-tasting dinners for some time.
We also conduct the wine-tasting dinners at the Rye Town Hilton.