Initially, the asking price was well over $1 million, a figure that changed as the wine market did.
The question of his immense influence on the wine market has been asked often and the answer is always the same.
Changes in the wine market also forced various adjustments over the years.
Even so, these inexpensive wines have played and continue to play an important role in the American wine market.
At the turn of the 15th century, several factors came into play that had a major impact on the global wine market.
I understand that a reform of the wine market is necessary.
I believe a support system for the wine market is fundamentally flawed in any case.
"This was a difficult decision in the face of a booming wine market," he said.
However, the 1980s also opened Mexico's small wine market to foreign competition, which hurt it.
The American wine market is still something of a mystery.