There is something about a wet, windy evening at sea that turns the mind naturally toward metaphysics.
It was a cold, windy evening, but the room was warm and inviting.
It was a windy evening, with rain in the air.
It was a long time to stay in front on a windy evening, especially when he was bothered by a thigh injury.
On a windy evening with temperatures in the 40's, Clemens never seemed comfortable.
At her stop, she bulled her way out, then started up the steps into the wet, windy evening.
It was a warm, windy evening with a sweet, resinous air.
After stormy days, or on windy evenings, the Cynthians would not appear.
It was a cold windy evening with occasional bursts of thin misty rain.
A windy evening: I remember it howling round the house, and the distant sound of the sea.