The three women stood straight and tall in the center of the single-roomed, windowless building.
He glanced into one of the large, windowless buildings, stopping to look through the door.
About 70 feet deep and 20 feet wide, the windowless building was just big enough to back in one 18-wheeler.
"I prefer this to working on a windowless building," he said.
The soldiers only recently began to receive hot food, and they live in windowless concrete buildings.
Near the end of this street, however, stood a dark, mysterious, windowless building.
They were in an alleyway leading up the hill between two long, low windowless buildings.
Quickly he got out the car, walked a few steps and unlocked a heavy metal door leading into the windowless building.
Strauss turned away and vanished into the open doorway of the huge, windowless building.
In one of those windowless buildings the "shadow" mission control center was located.