I followed him into the hut, and with Nobs at our heels we passed through several chambers into a remote and windowless apartment where a small lamp sputtered in its unequal battle with the inky darkness.
I sat in my windowless one-room apartment and saw the obits as a kind of commodity report on a high-yield-per-acre crop, a crop I wanted a bigger share of.
One of the walls comprised a huge laser screen-a usual feature of the windowless apartments in the City of Switzerland.
Sergei had stayed outside while she went into a storefront and, through their back door, walked up two flights of stairs to a small, windowless apartment.
When it was slightly more than half open she glanced over its top edge... and saw T'Prynn standing inside what looked like a Spartan but comfortable windowless apartment with no door.
A windowless but cozy apartment lay beyond.
Mrs. Barreau seldom left her windowless apartment on East 51st Street in the Flatlands section of Brooklyn.
Most Citypeople live inside windowless apartments.
Mao Xuhui's hermetic vision of his windowless apartment looking as pink and moist as an internal organ is one.
When Ramon Rodriguez and Adela Antonini whistled at George Bush from the doorway of their windowless apartment, they never expected that the President would just drop by, unannounced.