The sun, setting just to the south, must have caught a plume of cloud or a feather of windblown snow.
As they walked the country paths, tender white petals drifted about their faces like windblown snow.
A dog's tracks crossed a patch of windblown snow before the low one-story house, but no dog was in sight.
We walked through rich farmland, dusted now with a white powdering of windblown snow.
In these days of darkness and cold and windblown snow, everything was slowed.
"The next omen," Glenshadow's voice was as thin and cold as windblown snow.
The headlights blazed into the vast polar night but revealed little in the seething sea of windblown snow.
The only recognizable part of the dark form was the red scarf flapping in the windblown snow.
Here and there traces of fog and even windblown snow curled tiredly.