The lee door opened and two people came staggering into the room, both young, both bespectacled, both with faces all but obscured by wind-blown hair.
There was no man-of-the-woods in Don, no wind-blown hair on the bike or in the convertible.
There are scenes of her with wind-blown hair interspersed through the video with a light blue background.
"Besides," he said softly, smoothing the wind-blown hair back from my face, "we haven't given up yet, have we?"
All of a sudden his dark, wind-blown hair shimmered with life.
She adjusted her robe and pushed both hands through her hopelessly wind-blown hair.
He loomed in commanding presence, towering more than six feet in the air and sporting white, wind-blown hair that brought to mind an urban Zeus.
Putting her hand out, she brushed back the wind-blown hair to look once more upon the face of her friend.
The girl's wind-blown dark hair was tied with a violet scarf; she wore a suede jacket and a bright woolen skirt.
Pushed wind-blown hair from her eyes and smiled sweetly.