The wind pushed once at the stationary aircraft and then relented.
The wind relented, allowing the threatening clouds to release their contents on to Fat Bill's supply of breakfast pancetta.
But the wind never relented and the higher we got, the more we plodded.
The light from his staff shone seady as a star, but blindingly bright; only the wind relented ever so slightly.
Observing her return from the Decoy Lodge one afternoon, blue and chapped about the lips, her father forbad further voyages across the lake until that frozen wind relented.
For two days and three nights the wind never relented.
The winds relented for a moment and Yankee Tango landed with little effort.
When the wind relented after a moment, declining to about thirty miles an hour, he rocked back to the right, then began to swing gently like a pendulum, in a two- or three-foot arc.
Then, in the next scene, as Idomeneo staggered onto a deserted shore, shaken but safe, the winds relented, and the storm calmed down.
We won't be able to go canoeing tomorrow unless this wind relents a little.