She all but tripped over him as the wind puffed black smoke down among the rocks.
The wind puffed strongly, and the Ghost heeled far over, burying her lee rail.
The wind puffed occasionally, and footprints were still visible under the fresh cover of morning snow.
Through the open door puffed a wind from the sea.
The wind puffed the third one out just as it was on the imminent verge of success.
A wind puffed the dunes Asia Minor and grass on the barren hifltops quivered.
All the while the wind puffed and blew through the proceedings, surreal in its strength.
'Your mother --' he said, and the wind of his lungs puffed through the bullet hole in his chest.
As a strong southerly wind rustled the magnolia trees and puffed into the microphone, Mr. Clinton walked alone from the Oval Office two hours after the Senate finished voting.
A brisk wind puffed and sput- m one direction and then another, as if trying out different unable to decide which would best suit the occasion.