The wind was extending the smoke on an almost level course at this elevation, not quite beyond reach of the monster.
Maximum sustained winds extended 23 mi (37 km) from the hurricane's center.
Gale-force winds extended 155 km (100 mi) at this time.
Hurricane-force winds extended 120 miles (193 km) from the center.
At its peak, its highest winds extended 35 miles (56 km) from the center.
The storm was never fully tropical, as its winds and precipitation extended far away from the center.
Strong winds extended into eastern Massachusetts, though little damage was reported in the Boston area.
Hurricane-force winds, at least 74 m.p.h., extended 125 miles out from the eye.
Hurricane Andrew's hurricane-force winds extended only 25 or 30 miles.
Gale-force winds at this time extended roughly 125 mi (210 km) out from the center to the north and east.