The winds at different levels of the sky were traveling in different directions, carrying their burdens with them; this wind was bearing south.
Was there any hope that the wind might bear him clear of this continent where the achievements of Slab were regarded with contempt?
But I go there and come back, so long as the winds will bear me.
The winds of hazard are bearing us all away, each on his own separatecourse.
Quinn Thit spread wide green sails into the wind, to catch anything that the wind might bear.
Had I turned back toward the east, the wind borne heat would have followed us.
The wind had increased during the night and had borne them far from Bantoom.
With some maneuvering he could avoid falling into the herd; its ranks thinned toward the head of the valley, and the wind was bearing him away.
"May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks," answered Gandalf, who knew the correct reply.
The nights freeze now; tonight a hard wind bears frozen rain.