Records show that while he was chairman of the committee, his law partners won work from malpractice insurers defending doctors against lawsuits.
The positive result has been to emerge from 1992 fitter and better organised to win work in what will be another very tough year.
And even though Citigroup continues to win underwriting or advisory work, it is not as if investors are rewarding the bank.
Winning work: Obscuro entiantum lumine, for violin and 3 orchestral groups.
Winning work: Luz, for accordion and string quartet.
Winning work: Ximohua, for voice and wind quintet.
Many people will disagree with me, but everybody does his won work.
Claire Arnold, the company's co-founder, said the new procurement policies should make it much easier for small businesses to win work.
The new design and engineering center is part of the drive to win additional work.
He added that concerns over customer confidence cast doubts over Mouchel's ability to win and retain work.