Under Shakwak, U.S. federal highway money is spent for work done by Canadian contractors who win tenders issued by the Yukon government.
Her work has won public tenders, in corporate collections and private collections.
These will be called off if DB Regio is successful in winning tenders and needs Regio-Shuttles for the services envisaged.
When it came to winning tenders by undercutting other companies, "Michele Zagaria and his construction firms know no rival".
Prior to this Stavangerske and HSD had won several tenders throughout Norway through their 50/50 joint venture Norferger.
Tender Tracking Account holders receive advice and support on how to win tenders.
Since then he has won 30 major awards for architecture and has won many national and international tenders.
Over the following years, some providers did better than others, and Swan Transit acquired other operators and won new tenders, taking over an increasing number of bus routes.
Revenues were not considered worthwhile compared to the money that could be extorted from companies that won public tenders in construction.
If you are a small business and do not have much experience winning tenders in foreign countries, you should look for projects that closely match your existing skills.