He also won a case on behalf of 11 foreign banks.
Most recently, he won a Supreme Court case on behalf of the tobacco industry against his former agency's effort to regulate cigarettes as drug delivery devices.
In 1991, the firm won the largest non-punitive award in an asbestos case in California on behalf of a dying plumber and his wife.
He won the prize on behalf of the potato in 1773.
He also won a lawsuit on behalf of a private businessman in Xinjiang.
The Animorphs win the standoff on behalf of the Ellimist.
One of its divisions, that of the public-interest advocate, has received national attention for winning important legal battles on behalf of residents.
In 18 months in Washington he argued and won eight cases before the Supreme Court on behalf of the Government.
The next year, he won a $6.5 million verdict on behalf of a 6-year-old girl who had suffered brain damage at birth.