The party won in the December 2005 elections 1.3% and 5 out of 275 seats.
In the general election held on 27 November 2003, the party won 48.0% of the popular vote and 8 out of 15 seats.
In the 2005 elections, the party won 22.6% of the popular vote and seven out of 31 seats.
At the 2001 election the party won 23.5% of popular votes and 13 out of 49 seats.
In the 2004 general election the party won 26.1% of the popular vote and 12 out of 57 seats.
At the 2003 elections, the party won 9.4% of popular votes and 3 out of 30 seats.
The party won 8.6% of the popular vote and 4 out of 78 seats.
The party won 11.4% of the popular vote and 27 out of 500 seats.
The new party won the 1998 elections with 60.7% of the popular vote and 79 out of 80 seats.
At the last election, the party won 53.26% of popular votes and 45 out of 57 seats.