Affirmed was a natural speed horse who won most of his races on or near the lead.
The Athletics have continually succeeded at winning, and defying market economics, keeping their payroll near the bottom of the league.
In 1990 they won 7%, near enough the threshold to ring alarms.
Wells previously went six starts without winning near the end of the 1997 season.
The starters will not, of course, win anywhere near all the remaining games.
Bartali didn't leave the Giro empty handed, he won two stages near the end of the race along with the mountains classification.
He eventually won a decisive victory over them near the river Temes.
These Mamluk troops won a surprising victory in 1486 near Adana.
He won a modest increase in the operating and capital budgets last year and a bit more this year, but nowhere near enough.
He can't stop himself from barging him to the ground without winning near the ball.